Apart from two labs to support the undergraduate and graduate programs, CIC currently has 8 research labs in specific areas:


COMNET - Computer Networks LAB

Research in Wireless Networks, Sensor Networks, Optical Networks, Distributed Algorithms, Routing Optimization, Future Internet, Traffic Analysis, QoS, Security and Trust.
Coordinator: Prof. André Drummond
Website: www.comnet.unb.br


LABID - Bioinformatics and Data Laboratory

Research in Bioinformatics, Databases and Distributed Computing.
Coordinator: Profa. Maria Emíla M. T. Walter


LAICO - Integrated and Concurrent Systems Laboratory

Research in reconfigurable computing, embedded systems, robotics, game development, hardware, microelectronics.
Coordinator: Prof. Ricardo Pezzoul Jacobi


LAFORCE - Laboratory of Computer Formalisms and Experiments in Formal Methods

Research in Theory, Formalisms and Computational Logic, Computational and Mathematical Modeling, Applications in Formal Methods, and Speech Production.
Coordinator: Prof. Maurício Ayala Rincón
Website: www.laforce.unb.br


LARA - Automated Reasoning Laboratory

Research in artificial intelligence, applied artificial intelligence, decision support systems, probabilistic reasoning, knowledge representation, data and text mining, recommendation systems, intelligent tutoring systems, learning computing environments, systems for cooperation, and neuro-fuzzy traffic light control.
Coordinator: Prof. Marcelo Ladeira


LES - Software Engineering Laboratory

Research in software engineering, dependability and reliability of systems.
Coordinator: Prof. Rodrigo Bonifácio
Website: www.les.unb.br


LISA - Images, Signals and Acoustics Laboratory

Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing and Computer Vision
Coordinator: Prof. Camilo Dórea
Website: www.lisa.unb.br


TRANSLAB - Air Transport Laboratory

Research in Intelligent Web (Social Network, and Security), Artificial Intelligence in Air Transport, and Data Mining
Coordinator: Prof. Li Weigang
Website: www.translab.unb.br